If you’re reading this around 1 Sept 2020, you by now have heard of the Kenosha Kid, [name redacted intentionally] and the lively evening he had 25 Aug 2020. If you’re reading this later, here’s a couple of outstanding breakdowns of the events, and some of my additional thoughts.
I’ve watched the videos multiple time and there were a few things that stuck out to me. Some, I’ve heard and read elsewhere and they may even be in the links above, so forgive any duplications.
Operate in Buddy Pairs/Fire Teams
This to me is one of the inexcusable learnings from this event. The Kid never should have had to face that mob alone. Get a buddy and DO NOT LEAVE THEIR SIDE. Ever. No excuses for this one.
Having the ability to communicate is vital. If your buddy pair happens gets separated from your group (because YOU NEVER GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT YOUR BUDDY), you can at least link up with the rest of your group. They’re $35 bucks at Walmart for a cheap no-frills set, that will do all the communicating you need, no license required. If you think you need to be more than 40-50 yards away from your support, you’re doing it wrong. I mean you did bring friends, right?
Always carry medical, always. What if things went the way of Captain Unicep? A tourniquet is an easy way to save a life.
Sidearm/Back up weapon
I’ve seen several people point out that it appears the Kid suffers a malfunction when he was on the ground with the angry mob closing in on him. Funny how malfunctions always seem to occur when their impact is maximized (also not a great endorsement of S&W AR’s). Malfunctions are a crapshoot. Some can be cleared quickly, some take more time. The really cool thing? It takes time to find out which one you’ve got, time you might not have.
Transitioning to a sidearm is much faster and has a much higher chance of getting you back in the fight quickly. What if Captain Unicep remembered that he was riding dirty and decided to return fire. Would the Kid have had as much time to get back in the fight?
Less than lethal
I don’t know that it would have mattered in this case, but having a less lethal option is always a good thing. Maybe some of the unpleasantness could have prevented if someone got a face of OC spray for earlier aggressions, maybe not. Doesn’t change the fact that not every problem is a gun problem and it sure looked like the Kid only had a gun.
Eye Pro
There wasn’t necessarily any single event that triggered this recommendation, besides seeing the Kid be without it. Protecting your eyes in these types of encounters is critical. If your blinded, you’re a sitting duck.
Body Armor
What if Captain Unicep remembered he had a functioning handgun? Body armor is relatively affordable these days and the good stuff (not steel) won’t slow you down. If you’re specifically headed towards trouble, why not protect your vitals? Yes, too much can be made of gear, but a basic loadout provides a high return.
Gear Up
No, you aren’t Seal Team Six, or part of any other JSOC command, but having some kit to carry some of the basics wouldn’t be a bad idea. Again, you are intentionally heading into trouble, so why not prepare like you are?
You know what the folks treating the newly appointed Chief Head Canoe needed? More light. I’m a big fan of all the lumens and candela I can fit in my pocket or on my gun. Every bit of this encounter occurred in low light situations, and of everything in my EDC, my light is what sees the most use. If you’re like me and have a budget you have to operate inside of, I’ve had good luck with Streamlight’s products. Do I plan on upgrading in the future? Absolutely, but in the meantime, I’ve got solid light sources.
No one is coming to save you
It’s you and the boys you bring with you. It appears the cops were only a few hundred yards away during the original Kenosha Mile, yet their total contribution was setting up the crime scene tape.
You are on your own. Bring friends, and don’t leave your buddy.