It’s a tool, so don’t let it turn you into one.

According to Meriam-Webster the definition of a firearm is:

If we’re talking about a semi-auto firearm, it is a complex assembly of parts (a machine if you will), that must function in harmony, throughout its operating sequence, to reliably cycle and fire projectiles on demand.

Notice what is strangely missing from that opening? Any mention of the obvious mystical powers that weapons possess. The ability to ward off evil by their very appearance. The ability to cow politicians and bring their enforcers to heel. I might sound sarcastic, but yet people keep acting like all of this is true. In 2020, armed and in your state capitol is where all the cool kids were.

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“The one constant of life is that it ends.”

If there is one thing that has become increasingly evident in 2020, it is that as a society, we have lost touch with a fundamental reality of life; if we live, we will die. We have come to fear death so much, that sane rational people attempt to reduce the risk of their early deaths to zero. This is pure madness.

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