According to Meriam-Webster the definition of a firearm is:

If we’re talking about a semi-auto firearm, it is a complex assembly of parts (a machine if you will), that must function in harmony, throughout its operating sequence, to reliably cycle and fire projectiles on demand.
Notice what is strangely missing from that opening? Any mention of the obvious mystical powers that weapons possess. The ability to ward off evil by their very appearance. The ability to cow politicians and bring their enforcers to heel. I might sound sarcastic, but yet people keep acting like all of this is true. In 2020, armed and in your state capitol is where all the cool kids were.

Now I’m not blind. The skies over the fields of Liberty are clearly darkening. Much like Sauron in Lord of the Rings, there is an evil darkness building over the land. I understand the desire and the intent, I really do. But let’s look at history. Were there armed protests everywhere in the 1770s? I know there were plenty of protests, but I haven’t encountered accounts of large masses of armed men. Do you know where I did read about groups of armed men? On Lexington Green, outside of Concord, and the roads back to Boston.
There is a key difference, that really isn’t all that subtle if you pay attention. They protested far more than we ever have. Burning effigies of King George and his minions was a popular sport. But they left the guns at home until there was a legitimate use case for them. When that time came they didn’t shy away or blow about with excuses about why this wasn’t the right time.
When we always show up with our guns, they become a prop. “Oh look at the cute Boog Bois with their fancy rifles. They always dress to the nines for occasions such as this!” While I get the idea of conditioning people to the presence of weapons, the unasked question is, do we really want to condition them? Isn’t conditioning them just another word for desensitizing? And then there are guys like this:

The back story behind this particular pine cone is in the link in the caption, but do you think he inspires fear in the ruling class? Or is he scaring the bejeezus out of the Karens and soccer moms whose opinions we shouldn’t give a tinker’s damn about? I’m pretty sure that the actual dudes that face danger once in a while aren’t really worried about Wannabe Sniper Dad.
What should we do? Protest, often, with all your friends and all of their friends Burn them in effigy. Erect gallows outside their offices and hold mock trials (guillotines seem to be the flavor of the day, but by Gawd, we’re red-blooded American patriots and should eschew all things French!). Do you think the Virginia Lobby Day in 2020 would have been any less powerful without the guns? I don’t see how. The message is still sent loud and clear; I am a gun owner, I will not comply, your move.
A threat can run the gamut from terrifying to laughable. Showing up in full battle rattle with thousands of other people as part of a public spectacle does nothing but scratch that itch to get your cosplay on. Showing up with a couple of friends in full battle rattle ready to defend your buddy that is about to be wrongfully red-flagged? That is a statement that will echo through the ages and send shivers down the spine of those that wish harm upon us.
Honor the heritage, send the right message. Semper Paratus.