As I write this you can’t escape the mention of anarchy or anarchists. With the almost daily riots occurring in cities all over the United States, the participants are either identified as Anarchists or they are using the riots to usher in anarchy. Conservative Inc. appears to have assigned anarchy the status as Public Enemy Number 1. Just check their Twitter feeds, you can’t go 2 or 3 tweets without seeing them condemn the anarchists orchestrating the violence. They will point to the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (the infamous CHAZ or CHOP or whatever the failed Art majors called it) as a shining example of the rioter’s goals. It is almost seen as a foregone conclusion that the word anarchy means chaos because the government by choice or force, abandoned the area.
It is true, that this description of recent events does align with one of the definitions of anarchy. But anarchy is so much more than the boogeyman it is currently being portrayed as. In my opening post, I identified a branch of Anarchy as a foundation of this site’s beliefs. Why would I choose to align my site with a concept that strikes at the roots of its principles and values? The answer lies in the definition of the word.
As you can see, anarchy is so much more than just chaos, or lawlessness. Anarchy is also an extraordinarily developed political philosophy built around the concept of a society where there were no rulers (note I did not say no rules!). Indeed I would argue that based on the etymology of the word, the usage of anarchy to describe chaos is part of a successful smear campaign. The word anarchy comes from is the Greek word anarkhos, which translates to “no ruler”.

The only thing more numerous than the stars in the night sky is the philosophical branches of anarchy.
If Anarchy existed as a family, where the concept of no rulers were the parents, and every branch of anarchy that exists were their children, it’s safe to say that it would be a hit TLC show. The only thing more numerous than the stars in the night sky is the philosophical branches of anarchy. There is a flavor of anarchy for everyone. If you hate technology and modernity, the Anarcho-Primitives are here to welcome you. Don’t believe in violence or rulers? Say hello to the Anarcho-Pacifists. Do you believe in private property, the non-aggression principle, the power of free markets, and that governments trample these values by their very existence? Welcome to the Anarcho-Capitalist (AnCap) tribe.
Like any family, Anarchy also has its misfits. Our misfits are the Anarcho-Communists (AnCom). The AnCom philosophy evolved or even manifested directly from the works of Karl Marx. Like good Marxists, they believe that violence is a perfectly acceptable tool in the ongoing struggle for a classless society. Following their beliefs, it is anarchy’s misfit children who are the instigators and perpetrators behind much of the unrest throughout the country. When Fox News and Conservative Inc. decry the anarchists behind the ongoing riots they are correct. There are indeed anarchists behind much of the violence.

Many anarchists (especially those opposed to AnComs) will try to rationalize that the AnComs are not real anarchists, that they pervert the philosophy and misrepresent its values. An uncomfortable truth (to some) is that by all accounts, the roots of the Anarchist philosophy are firmly planted in the communal/syndicalist branches of thought. The Ancoms have legitimate claims that their beliefs are the genesis of Anarchy as a branch of political philosophy.
While the Ancoms might have a superior claim to the origins of the political philosophy, I believe that their principles are in direct conflict with the ideals of Western Civilization. It is ironic that the principle of free discourse, fundamental to Western Civilization, is the very principle that allows them to espouse their views wishing to destroy it. The shame is that the irony is utterly lost on them.
In my opinion, the branch of anarchy that is the true fulfillment of the Anarchy philosophy is Anarcho-Capitalism. AnCap philosophy evolved from classical liberalism, or as it is more commonly known today libertarianism (lower case L, it has nothing to do with the political party). It is a child of Western Civilization, and as such stands in resolute support of it. As described by eminent libertarian scholar Dr. Walter Block, AnCap philosophy can be defined by 3 core principles:
- The Non-Aggression Principle
- Private Property Rights
- Free Association

As you can see, Anarcho-Capitalism stands in absolute opposition to the ideals of the Anarcho-Communists. So why am I not upset over the continuous negative coverage around anarchists and anarchy that slanders my political identity? It’s simple, it’s the truth. The MidWestern Mouthbreathers and their comrades in Portland are anarchists and have every right to claim the title. It is also painfully obvious that they are behind prevalent violence (their rejection of societal norms tends to manifest itself in their appearance).
What is important to remember is that your cousin that just can’t seem to stay out of jail, or the nephew that won’t stop embarrassing everyone at family outings doesn’t represent the entire family. We can all be anarchists, we don’t have to get along, and we can be embarrassed by the actions of our family members. Judging the parent philosophy by the actions of members of the child philosophy is a self-defeating proposition. That’s the equivalent of blaming all drivers for drunk drivers, all gun owners for mass shootings, or all women for Karen’s screeching about whatever Karen’s screech about.
Yes, anarchists are behind the rioting and looting in cities across the country. And?