It’s a tool, so don’t let it turn you into one.

According to Meriam-Webster the definition of a firearm is:

If we’re talking about a semi-auto firearm, it is a complex assembly of parts (a machine if you will), that must function in harmony, throughout its operating sequence, to reliably cycle and fire projectiles on demand.

Notice what is strangely missing from that opening? Any mention of the obvious mystical powers that weapons possess. The ability to ward off evil by their very appearance. The ability to cow politicians and bring their enforcers to heel. I might sound sarcastic, but yet people keep acting like all of this is true. In 2020, armed and in your state capitol is where all the cool kids were.

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“The one constant of life is that it ends.”

If there is one thing that has become increasingly evident in 2020, it is that as a society, we have lost touch with a fundamental reality of life; if we live, we will die. We have come to fear death so much, that sane rational people attempt to reduce the risk of their early deaths to zero. This is pure madness.

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Lessons Learned – Kenosha, WI

If you’re reading this around 1 Sept 2020, you by now have heard of the Kenosha Kid, [name redacted intentionally] and the lively evening he had 25 Aug 2020. If you’re reading this later, here’s a couple of outstanding breakdowns of the events, and some of my additional thoughts.

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A Somewhat Brief Word About Anarchy

As I write this you can’t escape the mention of anarchy or anarchists. With the almost daily riots occurring in cities all over the United States, the participants are either identified as Anarchists or they are using the riots to usher in anarchy. Conservative Inc. appears to have assigned anarchy the status as Public Enemy Number 1. Just check their Twitter feeds, you can’t go 2 or 3 tweets without seeing them condemn the anarchists orchestrating the violence. They will point to the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (the infamous CHAZ or CHOP or whatever the failed Art majors called it) as a shining example of the rioter’s goals. It is almost seen as a foregone conclusion that the word anarchy means chaos because the government by choice or force, abandoned the area.

It is true, that this description of recent events does align with one of the definitions of anarchy. But anarchy is so much more than the boogeyman it is currently being portrayed as. In my opening post, I identified a branch of Anarchy as a foundation of this site’s beliefs. Why would I choose to align my site with a concept that strikes at the roots of its principles and values? The answer lies in the definition of the word.

Continue reading “A Somewhat Brief Word About Anarchy”

Army Marksmanship Manual


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Owner: Sempratus

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 26-08-2020 2:11

Army Marksmanship Manual tc3-22-9.pdf

US Army M4-M16 Field Maintenance Manual 23&P


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Owner: Sempratus

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 26-08-2020 2:02

2008-ARMY TM 9-1005-319-23&P - Field Maintenance Manual.pdf

The Birth of a Heritage

In the early morning hours of 19 April 1775, General Thomas Gage sent troops into the countryside outside of Boston. Gage’s orders that day were to proceed:

“with utmost expedition and secrecy to Concord, where you will seize and destroy all the Artillery, Ammunition, Provisions, Tents, Small Arms, and all Military stores whatever.”

General Gage had no way of knowing that with these orders, he had set in motion a series of events that would forever alter history. This was to be just another in a series of raids and attempted raids where the British were endeavoring to gain tighter control over war materials that the colonists possessed, as part of their duties as the militia. Gage understood the gravity of this particular undertaking, as preparation for this particular raid had been underway for almost a month prior to that fateful day. The British Regulars that departed Boston that fateful morning, were some of the finest troops at Gage’s disposal. Gage was not leaving anything to chance.

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